Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Originally scheduled for launch tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9, 2009, we just couldn't hold it in any longer.

James Al-Oboudi, co-founder and co-owner of the original Teamwork Revolution has created a mathematically perfect and unbeatable system that provides the fastest spillover rate of any other system on the internet.

Starting NOW you can join for FR.EE, Teamwork Revolution Power System promote and receive spillover from now, 9/8/2009 until 10/7/2009 before your membership amount is due.

Due to spillover, I have my first level downline filled already, so I am in profit already even before the actual launch on 10/7/2009.

Teamwork Revolution Power System allows all members to break even and recoup their monthly membership fee WITH ONLY TWO REFERRALS.

It is a 2x8 forced matrix with a monthly membership fee of $29.95 that pays out 96.8% in the following format:

Level 1: 2 people x $15 = $30 (Already in profit with only 2 referrals)
Level 2: 4 people x $1
Level 3: 8 people x $1
Level 4: 16 people x $1
Level 5: 32 people x $1
Level 6: 64 people x $1
Level 7: 128 people x $1
Level 8: 256 people x $8 Total monthly income = $2,330 with only 510 people in your downline

When compared to other popular programs, this cannot be beat. Other programs require more than twice as many downline members to earn less money. I know 510 people sounds like a lot but with requiring only 2 on each level it is possible and achievable. It has already been done by a few members even before prelaunch.

I have an awesome upline and downline of people to work with. I would love to work with you on this fantastic new system that has been unbelievable and amazing to watch it unfold over the last few days.

If you have never tried working with a multi-level marketing company before but are interested, then Teamwork Revolution Power System is the one to start out with.

There are so many benefits that you will receive with this system, it is a home business package all rolled into one system.

Please take a look at our very impressive list of products and services:
1. Professional Web Hosting with UNLIMITTED Web Space

2. Web Hosting Reselling.

3. Personal auto-responders for members to use as they wish.

4. Pre-made capture pages.

5. Ability to create your own capture pages.

6. Company Auto-responder.

7. Online conference rooms.

8. James Al-Oboudi's 24 page marketing e-book.

9. Ongoing personal marketing training through our support forum.

10. Digital File storage.

11. Free (optional) integration with Google Apps.

Don't wait, secure your position while it is still in pre-launch. Still have questions? Contact me and I will get back to you ASAP. This will be an all-nighter for myself and everyone associated with Teamwork Revolution Power System

CLICK HERE TO SECURE YOUR SPOT ASAP Teamwork Revolution Power System

Monna Ellithorpe

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